Get expert support to help you complete your Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) submission accurately with validation and data insights.
What is the Plastic Packaging Tax?
The UK PPT began on 1 April 2022 to encourage greater use of recycled plastic in plastic packaging. It aims to reduce virgin plastic usage and boost recycling rates.
The tax applies to any plastic packaging that is predominantly plastic by weight, with less than 30% recycled plastic content. It is currently charged by HMRC at £217.85 per tonne and is increased each year. From 1 April 2025, the rate of tax will increase to £223.90 per tonne of plastic packaging, in line with the Consumer Price Index, or inflationary increases.
It is a legal requirement for producers to register with HMRC if they meet the threshold. They must also collect and submit data about their packaging and pay the resulting tax.
Who is impacted?
Your organisation will have a PPT obligation if you meet the threshold below.
Are you obligated?
Your organisation will be required to register with HMRC for the PPT if you:
Have manufactured or imported ten or more tonnes of plastic packaging in the UK, in the last 12 months
What do you need to do?
If obligated, you must report detailed data quarterly to HMRC about your plastic packaging. You must:
Collect and report the weight of all individual plastic packaging components
Collect and report data on the percentage of recycled plastic content
Pay the tax on all obligated plastic packaging
Get the PPT support you need
We provide expert support to help you complete your PPT reporting requirements with ease - accurately and on time.
After processing and validating raw data to calculate your PPT obligation, we provide submission-ready data for you to submit with confidence to HMRC. We transform a quarterly headache into a simple task.
Our support does not end there. Your PPT data can provide valuable insights to drive improvements to your packaging - our data team are always on hand to provide any bespoke support.
Don’t just comply. Access all the support you need to optimise compliance, save time and improve your packaging.
Gain packaging insights
Explore exclusive online knowledge resources. Dive into analytics and insights fed by your packaging EPR data. Identify how to improve packaging sustainability and reduce its impact on your business.
Explore packaging insights
Optimise future compliance
Make future compliance easier. We offer a choice of reviews to assess your business activities, data health and processes. Our reports will recommend SMART improvement actions to optimise your compliance performance and reduce non-compliance risk.
Explore how to optimise future compliance
Save time with data collection
Remove the pain of gathering and managing complex packaging data. Our online Collect platform powers our packaging data collection service – all backed up by our expert team.
Explore data collection services
Improve packaging sustainability
Access bespoke data insights and advisory services to improve your packaging sustainability. Complete Carbon Literacy training and voluntary producer action to move the dial.
Explore packaging sustainability
We are here to help you
Choose the level of help you need – from light touch to comprehensive support. We’re your trusted compliance partner.
Benefit from a wide range of services and support to help you go beyond compliance:
Assistance with packaging EPR, RAM, PPT, DRS and international regulations
A choice of data submission support and membership benefits
Services to optimise your compliance
Data collection and management to save time
Competitive PRN procurement
Data insights to understand and improve your packaging
Bespoke advisory services to improve packaging sustainability