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Ecosurety shares summary of PRN consultation response

Ecosurety shares summary of PRN consultation response - News - Ecosurety

Ahead of the 21 May consultation deadline Ecosurety has shared its response to government to encourage as many stakeholders to respond as possible.

On 26 March government published its much-anticipated response to the consultation on introducing Extended Producer Responsibility measures for packaging. This contained confirmation of details for planned EPR implementation, including that a reformed version of the existing PRN system will continue to operate.

A new consultation on reforming the PRN and PERN system and operator approval was launched at the same time to ask stakeholders what reforms to the PRN system should look like, during and after the transition to EPR.

The consultation proposals contain key changes that seek to improve the system enough to ensure it is fit for purpose and can continue to effectively run alongside other EPR measures, including:

  • Reporting requirements on the sales of PRNs/PERNs

  • Reporting requirements on how the revenue from PRN/PERN sales is used

  • Timeframes for the trading of PRNs/PERNs

  • The introduction of a ‘technical competence’ test for compliance scheme operators and accredited reprocessors/exporters

  • The interface with the introduction of a Deposit Return System (DRS)

  • The introduction of a compliance fee for producers that fail to meet their obligations

Read the Ecosurety consultation response

Ecosurety has shared a summary of its response to government ahead of the consultation deadline of 21 May 2022. It is hoped that this will encourage others to better understand the implications and impact of the proposals and submit their own response to government.

Click here to read the Ecosurety response to the PRN consultation.

A unique opportunity to feedback

Innovation and Policy Director Robbie Staniforth commented “The PRN consultation provides a unique opportunity for all stakeholders to feedback directly to government and help shape the reform of a system that has such well-known faults.”

“Even though there is much to admire in terms of the ideas put forward in the consultation, there will be continued consternation from UK investors who bemoan that lack of support or preferential treatment for UK reprocessing. None of the proposals tackle the fundamental problem that we can’t wash, sort and recycle enough material, especially plastic, here in the UK. Concerns that lower quality material is exported, and not properly recycled, will remain post-reforms.”

“We are releasing our official response to government ahead of the deadline so that our compliance scheme members and wider stakeholders can access our views when considering their own response. We believe the new PRN/PERN system must provide a positive direction of travel for many years to come and we encourage as many stakeholders to individually respond to government as possible.”

You can view the PRN consultation itself by clicking here.

Government release response to PRN reform consultation
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Government release response to PRN reform consultation
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Ben Luger
Written by Ben Luger
Marketing Project Specialist
Ben helps drive marketing communications and projects for Ecosurety, including our websites and member knowledge content.