DEFRA seek 2016 compliance fee proposals

Following a second year running, DEFRA are inviting proposals for how the system should function for the 2016 compliance period for submission by 30 September.

The compliance fee is an alternative way for WEEE producer compliance schemes to discharge their members’ WEEE obligation should they choose not to meet it through conventional WEEE evidence collection routes. The fee is also intended to form part of a wider strategy to break the system whereby schemes would over collect throughout the year to financially exploit any schemes with evidence shortfalls.

Alternative form of compliance

Over the past two years, there has been uptake of schemes utilising this alternative form of compliance. Each year, proposals are submitted by interested parties for the calculation of the compliance fee mechanism and for the administration of the system. Whilst there have been several different proposals for this compliance fee, in both years, it has been the Joint Trade Association (JTA) who have held successful bids.

Strong supplier relationships

Whilst ecosurety will not be submitting a proposal for the running of the compliance fee, we will follow any proposals submitted with interest. Our aim as a compliance scheme is to provide greater cost certainty to our members, and our strong supplier relationships mean that we are able to meet our members’ obligations with confidence without using the compliance fee.

If you need any advice or want to know more simply get in touch by emailing info@ecosurety.com or calling 0845 094 2228.

James Champ

Head of Compliance

Following a career in the legal industry, James joined us back in August 2012 and has undertaken a variety of roles in account management, compliance and scheme operations.

He now holds the role of Head of Compliance where he is responsible for ensuring Ecosurety and its members are compliant across the packaging regulations. James has a black belt in lean six sigma and uses his experience to improve operational efficiencies and enhance Ecosurety’s role in supporting producers with their compliance responsibilities.

Written by James Champ Published 05/08/2016 Topics Compliance

Useful links

Q3 2023 WEEE data shows promising collection figures

The recently published Q3 collection data indicates a steady progression toward the annual target, currently reaching 76%.


UK on track to meet annual WEEE collection targets

In the second quarter of 2023, the WEEE collection figures show that a total of 118,953 tonnes of WEEE has been collected from households across April – June, which is a 3% increase compared to Q1 collections.


Promising WEEE collection figures released for Q1 2023

Across the first quarter of 2023, a total of 120,433 tonnes of household WEEE has been collected, showing a slight increase of 562 tonnes compared to WEEE collected in Q1 2022.


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