Q1 analysis: paper overshoots, aluminium slips back

Last week saw the release of the 2015 quarter one packaging recycling data, highlighting achievements of reaching provisional quarterly obligations in some materials.


The interim figures, published by the Environment Agency, illustrate the amount of recycling which took place between January and March this year, with some materials exceeding the tonnage needed to reach our forecast obligations for the first quarter of 2015 (see table below).

2015 Q1 packaging recycling figures

The good, the bad and the ugly

Paper saw a large excess in recovery, with 200,000 tonnes over the estimated quarterly obligation being accepted or exported in Q1. Steel and wood are also in a comfortable position, with the amount accepted or exported being in excess of what was required to be recycled provisionally in Q1.

However it wasn’t such positive news for aluminium. The figures highlighted a shortfall in recovery, with recycled material being approximately 4,000 tonnes short of the estimated quarterly obligation. It has been reported that this could be due to the removal of agreed protocols for aluminium, and possibly the complexity of the accreditations process.

Glass also saw a shortfall in aggregate. However, almost all of the estimated quarterly re-melt obligation was fulfilled.

Energy from Waste recovery was far below the estimated tonnage required for Q1. However, this is explained by reprocessors issuing EfW PRNs now requiring R1 accreditation. This has caused a delay in the supply of recovery evidence, but it is hoped that this will improve as the year goes on, and more reprocessors achieve R1 status.

What does this mean for producers?

ecosurety’s Commercial Director, James Piper, comments on the figures “Despite some materials missing their required target, most materials have exceeded expectations. This is great news for producers as markets which were causing concern, plastic in particular, should be protected from the steep price rise forecasted at the start of the year. ecosurety members certainly should see balanced invoicing throughout the year.”

To find out more about how ecosurety can help you with your packaging compliance contact our technical team on 0845 094 228 or email packaging@ecosurety.com


About ecosurety

ecosurety was set up in 2003 (originally as Budget Pack) and specialises in sustainable business practice, driving efficiencies at every level for its 1,000-plus UK member companies.

Its market-leading integrated services span sustainable strategy, waste, compliance and intelligent reporting. In 2014 the company received the Institute of Directors' Corporate Responsibility Award for the South West.

By shaping and supporting best practice in waste and recycling ecosurety is driving greater efficiency in the resource cycle and reducing demand for raw materials. By 2020 ecosurety is targeting influence over 1 million tonnes of waste.

Robbie Staniforth

Innovation and Policy Director

Robbie is innovation and policy director at Ecosurety. Having spent years building an intimate understanding of the industry’s policies and politics, he uses this knowledge to help shape new legislation and oversees Ecosurety’s growing portfolio of cross-industry innovation projects including Podback and the Flexible Plastic Fund. He has worked closely with Defra during the most recent packaging consultations, outlining the impacts and required transitional arrangements of the UK’s new EPR system and is a member of the government’s Advisory Committee on Packaging (ACP). He is also a spokesperson for the company and regularly uses his influence to communicate the importance of environmental responsibility to external stakeholders.

Written by Robbie Staniforth Published 22/04/2015 Topics Compliance

Useful links

Q2 2024 recycling data shows strong performance in H1

The unverified Q2 2024 recycling figures released by the Environment Agency indicate strong recycling performance, with all materials exceeding 50% of their recycling obligation. Here's our review of 2024 H1 performance.


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Being Carbon Literate empowers you and your organisation to make better decisions to reduce carbon impacts and communicate to stakeholders about carbon more confidently. Our course is accredited by the Carbon Literacy Project and has a specific focus on the impacts of packaging.


Carbon Literacy for the packaging sector training - 01/11/24

Being Carbon Literate empowers you and your organisation to make better decisions to reduce carbon impacts and communicate to stakeholders about carbon more confidently. Our course is accredited by the Carbon Literacy Project and has a specific focus on the impacts of packaging.


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