Team insight – Account manager Dan Boyle

We take great pride in our team at Ecosurety, as each and every one of us works towards delivering a positive impact and change for good.

To give an insight into the people who make the wonderful things at Ecosurety happen, we're running a regular Q&A feature across our team. Discover what gets us out of bed in the morning, what our members really care about and the key advice we’ve learnt over the years. 

First up is Mr Dan Boyle - our Dad-joke telling, tech-loving account manager!

Describe your typical day-to-day at Ecosurety

Well, the majority of my time is spent liaising with my members, discussing technical details of their UK compliance over all three regulations of batteries, WEEE and packaging, or fulfilling administrative support. As I primarily look after companies that are in the technology sector I get a lot of insight into the latest tech products, which I love!

How did you end up working in this role?

I’ve been working in customer-facing roles for the past decade and these roles have given me a broad spectrum of experience when helping customers and supporting their requirements. Whenever I’ve found myself not working in communicative roles, I’ve felt unsatisfied. Furthermore, I’ve always had an interest in technology, whether it be software, hardware or services, so my members definitely link in with my interests.

I was drawn to Ecosurety because in my previous employment I never really felt like I could have a tangible or positive impact on the environment, but I feel like I really can contribute towards a change for good with Ecosurety.

What makes you leap out of bed in the morning?

The fact that I feel as if I’m working towards the bigger picture. Ecosurety is aspirational with their approach to Producer Responsibility and continually ask ‘Why?’. I feel that all of my activities factor into giving our members the ability to bang on the doors of the compliance industry and challenge the status quo.

At work I am often heard saying…

What the best-case and worst-case scenario of a situation is. I always picture everything in those two ways which helps me to visualise the spectrum of possibilities, to be able to figure out what to do in situations that are new. I am also often to be heard telling a ‘good’ Dad-joke too!

What is the number one issue on our members’ minds?

Time. All of my clients are very busy people and need to fulfil their compliance as efficiently as possible. Wherever possible I make sure I’m using no more of my client’s time than is necessary. I look after around 200 members so it is always key that I am as efficient as possible, especially during submission periods.

What is the best way to add value to Ecosurety members, in your experience?

I really like to challenge my clients when appropriate to have open discussions. This allows me to see the knowledge that they have in three groups; that which they know, that which they don’t know, and that which they’re not aware they don’t know. By having open discussions, I can identify knowledge or compliance gaps and can therefore help my member by bringing them back up to speed.

Apart from complying with the regulations, do you think companies in general are doing enough about their environment impact?

We operate in a regulation-lead industry and for change to happen it traditionally needs to be set from the top-down. At the moment, the industry works, but in order for it to improve, I think more money needs to be directed towards marketing and to educate the general public to make people more aware of the positive impact of recycling.

A point in case would be the successes in the plastic bag charge, which reduced numbers of plastic bags being used by up to 85% in the first year. I believe that Circularety, and our #BringBackHeavyMetal and Metal Matters campaigns, enable companies to go further and have a positive impact!

What one bit of advice would you give obligated producers?

Book your submission window reminders in your diary, make sure you know how to categorise for the regulation you’re operating in and give your account manager a ring whenever you’re unsure! We are always happy to have a chat.

Thanks Dan!

Join us next time when I'll be talking to our coffee loving quality manager Julie McCarthy.

Kimberley Day

Account manager

Kimberley works closely with our members in her role as an account manager, working hard to ensure they have everything in order to comply with their obligations. Having graduated from the University of Exeter with a Bachelor of Science in Biological and Medicinal Chemistry, Kimberley is without a doubt highly experienced dealing with technical intricacies and processes!

Written by Kimberley Day Published 30/10/2017 Topics Ecosurety

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