WEEE producer consultation on change to EEE reporting categories

In January 2019, the UK WEEE Regulations introduce new reporting categories for EEE and WEEE, reducing the current 14 categories down to 6.

The reason for this change is to ensure that the UK conforms to the Recast WEEE Directive that aims to improve the environmental performance of all operators involved in the lifecycle of EEE across the EU.

WEEE member feedback

While the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) is considering how it implements this change, we are asking our WEEE producer members to feedback on the proposals in our member survey here.

The options include:

  1. Continue with the current 14 categories and use a protocol to convert these into the new 6 categories for government EC reporting purposes

  2. Change EEE and WEEE reporting to the new 6 categories

  3. A variant of this, such as adding new sub-categories for EEE that generates a distinct WEEE stream

Future compliance costs

This change will affect all EEE producers, but for household EEE producers the option chosen could also affect your future compliance costs and/or require the funding of protocols that need to be regularly updated, so it is important this matter is carefully considered allowing sufficient time to make any necessary reporting changes.

You feedback is extremely valuable to us and for the wider WEEE system, so we are inviting our members to complete a short, anonymous questionnaire on future EEE/WEEE reporting options here.

James Champ

Head of Compliance

Following a career in the legal industry, James joined us back in August 2012 and has undertaken a variety of roles in account management, compliance and scheme operations.

He now holds the role of Head of Compliance where he is responsible for ensuring Ecosurety and its members are compliant across the packaging regulations. James has a black belt in lean six sigma and uses his experience to improve operational efficiencies and enhance Ecosurety’s role in supporting producers with their compliance responsibilities.

Written by James Champ Published 15/12/2015 Topics Compliance

Useful links

Q3 2023 WEEE data shows promising collection figures

The recently published Q3 collection data indicates a steady progression toward the annual target, currently reaching 76%.


UK on track to meet annual WEEE collection targets

In the second quarter of 2023, the WEEE collection figures show that a total of 118,953 tonnes of WEEE has been collected from households across April – June, which is a 3% increase compared to Q1 collections.


Promising WEEE collection figures released for Q1 2023

Across the first quarter of 2023, a total of 120,433 tonnes of household WEEE has been collected, showing a slight increase of 562 tonnes compared to WEEE collected in Q1 2022.


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