WRAP publishes a 'blueprint for a waste free world by 2025'

WRAP has published 'Our plan for a sustainable planet', outlining their vision for resource sustainability in key areas including food, plastics and textiles.

WRAP is one of the globe's leading sustainability charity, based in the UK, who collaborate with businesses, governments, citizens and charities on resource related projects and research.

Their recently published report contains several key targets to help lead policy makers and voluntary commitments from key stakeholders:


food waste

According to the report, roughly a third of all food is wasted and in their plan WRAP outline several proposed measures to tackle this by 2025. For instance, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 12, WRAP will aim to halve UK food waste by 2030 via increased food redistribution, supporting citizen behaviour change and advocating food waste reduction policies.

They also commit to help enable large food businesses and their suppliers to report their food waste by 2023. With a view beyond our shores, WRAP also state they will support partners around the world to deliver programmes that will halve food waste and reduce greenhouse gases.




Under the UK Plastics Pact, WRAP intend to have delivered all targets by 2025. These include eliminating all unnecessary plastic use, finding innovative solutions to flexible plastic recycling and ensuring 100% of plastic is recyclable or re-useable. The UK Plastics Pact is a collaborative effort that uses funding and industry cooperation to tackle the plastics issue.

Beyond these targets WRAP also commit to help extend the network of Plastic Pacts success across the world and to work with the European Union, G20 & Commonwealth countries to develop plastic reduction policies. Ultimately they plan to 'help put the world on a trajectory to eliminating plastic pollution'.




Clothing consumption has ‘increased by 60-100% in the last 15 years and, in 2018, the global clothing industry produced roughly 2.1 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. By 2025 WRAP hope to introduce a voluntary commitment that delivers circular textile targets, invests in new business models and introduces new policies to deal with unwanted textiles.

They also plan to 'influence circular fashion globally' with a high-achieving voluntary agreement model for clothing and textiles, committing to ensure this model is taken up in at least seven countries worldwide.

Become Net Positive

The plan also sets out their ambitions to create a more circular and lower carbon economy. CEO of WRAP Marcus Gover has stated "I’m really proud of Our plan for a sustainable planet, which is one of the most important publications in our 20-year history and very timely, with COP26 approaching."

"Our aim is to go beyond Net Zero and become Net Positive. To turn back the Earth Overshoot clock and encourage green growth and circularity in all we do, and all our partners do."

WRAp roadmap

Download ‘Our plan for a sustainable planet’


Louisa Goodfellow

Policy Manager

As Policy advisor Louisa provides key support to our team, including preparing reports on environmental policy issues and maintaining awareness of new developments. As such she will often be found coordinating responses to policy consultations, advocating policy positions and providing internal guidance to current legislation.

Written by Louisa Goodfellow Published 25/02/2021 Topics Sustainability
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